so obviously, i failed spectacularly at updating this blog with my pictures and videos in anything close to real time. my bad. i do, however, still want to post all the links here for posterity like i did with the first batch. i'm headed out again to see brother love next week, but i'm not even going to pretend this time that i'll be posting. LOL. i'll catch up when i get back.
so, after the jump, photos and videos from pittsburgh, newark and atlantic city.
regarding the downloadable videos: i'm sharing these because i hate what youtube does to the quality of the original video, and i know how i always want to have the downloadable version of everything. i have just two requests in return for sharing: 1) please don't post these links elsewhere. if you want to share, please link people to this post. 2) please don't upload them to youtube or in any other way pass them off as your own. a lot of time goes into these, not to mention having to stand quietly and very still during the concert while filming, LOL. all i'm asking is that i get credit for my work.
without further ado, here is the full list of goodies.
Pittsburgh, July 29, 2008
Newark, July 30, 2008
Newark, July 31, 2008
Atlantic City, August 2, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
second tour swing
Saturday, July 26, 2008
watch him as he goes
i've really had every intention of keeping this blog updated with my tour exploits this summer. but things have been crazy. i'm going to really try to do better with my east coast swing, for which i am leaving tomorrow. *grin* in the meantime, after the jump is the full listing of links for all my pictures and videos from glendale, san diego, fresno and las vegas.
regarding the downloadable videos: i'm sharing these because i hate what youtube does to the quality of the original video, and i know how i always want to have the downloadable version of everything. i have just two requests in return for sharing: 1) please don't post these links elsewhere. if you want to re-upload the files and share your own links, fine, go for it. 2) please don't upload them to youtube or in any other way pass them off as your own. a lot of time goes into these, not to mention having to stand quietly and very still during the concert while filming, LOL. all i'm asking is that i get credit for my work.
without further ado, here is the full list of goodies.
Glendale, July 1, 2008
San Diego, July 2, 2008
Fresno, July 3, 2008
Las Vegas, July 5, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
so, the AI tour is in full swing, and i thought i'd post a couple of videos, taken by the lovely lara and her friend sharece. thanks, ladies!
hello, live from san diego.
billie jean, live from glendale.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
David on The View
i had the good fortune to attend today's taping of The View here in lovely las vegas. it was a fun experience, even if it seemed to go by really quickly. it's always neat to see behind the scenes of things that you watch on television. and, of course, Brother Love was about ten feet away from me and looking F.I.N.E., so it was all good. i didn't even mind (much) that i had to be there at 6am.
most importantly, i was able to take pictures. we could only snap during the commercial breaks, but i fired away. you can see the results after the jump. enjoy!
here are a couple of my faves, re-sized so that they fit in the layout. the rest (and the full-sized of these) can be seen here at my photobucket.
charming the ladies, as usual.
lost in thought. or something.
that smile.
saying goodbye. [just ignore the crazy blonde who's in the way of the hotness.]
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Birthday, Andrew!
andrew cook turns 21 today. look out, world.
in all seriousness, i think andrew rocks. not only did he convince david to audition, not only did he tell david to stay in it after he was the only one to get through, but he supported david completely throughout the whole process, right up until he was reminding the whole world that "that's my brother" as david was being bathed in confetti. so i think we should all take a moment and send andrew some good birthday vibes - it's the least we can do!
also, if andrew wants to follow through on his threat to "ashlee simpson" david, i will fully support that. just sayin'.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
David on Jimmy Kimmel
hands-down, one of my favorite interviews yet, just because of the really natural way david and jimmy riffed off each other. i stand by my contention that david was a celebrity in a former life. it's the only explanation.
also, "i'm a baller, son" goes straight into the dc hall of fame. bwah.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
*tap tap*
this thing on? so we haven't been making much use of this here blog since the finale. but i want to wake things back up in order to follow the tour.
one reason i haven't been blogging here is that it's always bugged me that the full text of the post has to go on the front page. i think i may have solved that... let's see if this works.
still with me? cool! i got the code to make this change from the generous owner of Hackosphere.
ok, so to make this post useful, here's a video i just captured and uploaded. it's david being interviewed on my local fox news the morning after the finale. he's adorable, as usual.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Help David: It's Easy!
a quick and painless way to support david? vote for "time of my life" on the xm radio 20 on 20 countdown!
you can vote every five minutes, so whenever you think of it, toss him a vote. bookmark the page and help him get some spins!
David's Official MySpace
david's official myspace page has gone up, and his label has gone all out, with impressive speed:
go forth and add him and join all his lists. :o)
Word Of The Day - May 22
pinnacle [pin-uh-kuhl] noun
1. a lofty peak.
2. the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, fame, etc.
David Cook's victory is the pinnacle of the entire existence of American Idol. They should just hang it up now, as far as I'm concerned. Read More....
he did it! we did it!!
more congratulations than i can ever count go to david on his monumental win!!
it's been six hours, and i'm still in disbelief that it isn't all a dream.
if you called Central Casting, they couldn't possibly draw up a more deserving, amazing, perfect winner than David Cook. i'm totally blown away right now.
he even made the coronation song sound good!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Word of the Day - May 21.
tour de force [toor duh fawrs] –noun
1. an exceptional achievement by an artist, author, or the like, that is unlikely to be equaled by that person or anyone else; stroke of genius.
2. a particularly adroit maneuver or technique in handling a difficult situation.
3. a feat requiring unusual strength, skill, or ingenuity.
Regardless of tonight's outcome, David Cook's run on American Idol has been a remarkable tour de force - one that this blogger feels privileged to have witnessed.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Word Of The Day - May 20
VOTE - [voht] –verb (used without object)
1. to express or signify will or choice in a matter, as by casting a ballot
–verb (used with object)
2. to enact, establish, or determine by vote
3. to support by one's vote
4. to advocate by or as by one's vote
Even if you've never voted for American Idol in your life, please, please get on the phone tonight and vote for David Cook. He's worked his ass off for this; we can't let him down now!! Read More....
Monday, May 19, 2008
David Cook Goes International.
check out this promo for friday night lights that's been airing on israeli tv. anything sound familiar?!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Word Of The Day - May 18
an·cil·lar·y (an-suh-ler-ee), adj.
1. Of secondary importance
2. Auxiliary; helping
David Cook is, first and foremost, a brilliant singer and musician; the good looks are just a lovely ancillary benefit. Read More....
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Cook's theater chops set the stage for "Idol" success.
Cook's theater chops set the stage for "Idol" success
Sure he's got the great voice, the musical smarts and daring, the cute grin, the word-nerd appeal to fellow crossword-puzzle freaks.Read More....
But David Cook had a stealth weapon, as he rose above the pack to be a co-finalist for this year's "American Idol" crown.No, it's not that strange scarf Cook often wears trailing from his back pocket like a talisman.
His special mojo: theater training.
The 25-year-old Cook may be known as a hard rocker. But he took enough acting classes, and co-starred in enough student shows, to also qualify as a true Theater Geek.
His teachers from Blues Springs, Mo., have spilled the beans on how much the adolescent David loved to belt out those Broadway show tunes.
For evidence, get thee to YouTube, where you can watch clips of the teenage Cookie playing Riff in a high-school staging of "West Side Story" and taking pratfalls ("Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh ... ") in a student version of "Singin' in the Rain."
Cook's drama chops gave him the chutzpah to croon that schmaltzy, soaring reverie, "The Music of the Night," from Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera" — and emerge unscathed.
Thespian versatility also gave Cook — and, to a lesser extent, third-place contestant and college drama major Syesha Mercado — a boost in other key ways.
So listen and learn, wannabe rock gods and "Idol" hopefuls. Here are some tips Cook may have picked up from his own personal "High School Musical" saga:
Friday, May 16, 2008
Cook will win 'Idol' because Daughtry didn't.
great article from MSNBC.
here's an excerpt.
It would be easy to end this discussion quickly by saying David Cook will win because he's better. But instead, I'll use the balance of my time and say that Cook will win "American Idol" because Chris Daughtry didn't.Read More....
"Idol" is still the top-rated show in the country despite the haters' attempts to knock it off its perch, but there's no question that Daughtry's elimination started the show tilting in the wrong direction. Had he been the winner in season five, the Idol list of champions would have gone Clarkson-Studdard-Fantasia-Underwood-Daughtry, otherwise known as four successes in five seasons. Instead we got Taylor Hicks followed by Jordin Sparks, which hasn't exactly helped the show build a reputation as a star-producing factory.
Good news, "Idol" fans! You may have screwed things up two years ago by picking the fun guy over the actual star in waiting, but you have a chance to rectify that this week.
And you will.
Word Of The Day - May 16
fra·ter·nal [fruh-tur-nl]– adjective
1. of or befitting a brother or brothers; brotherly.
2. of or being a society of men associated in brotherly union, as for mutual aid or benefit
The fraternal vibe between David Cook and David Archuleta is really cool to see. Read More....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
congratulations to our man david on making it to the final 2 as (the far more awesome) half of the much-anticipated davidsquared finale! one more week, DC fans.
DCFTMFW! (that'd be david-cook-for-the-mother-effing-win, for the uninitiated.)
LA Times: Rise of Cook is Story of the Season.
When the story of this season is recorded in history books, the rise of Cook will be its great tale. Coming out of what seemed too obscure a niche to become a credible contender, Cook has steadily broadened his appeal far beyond the indie demo. In the Idoldome each week now, grandmothers and, more ominously for Archuleta, children, identify themselves as his fans. Throughout the long season, Cook’s performances –- often surprising and always seemingly carefully considered –- became the most anticipated of each night. Of all the contestants, Cook seemed the most comfortable on stage, singing apparently without fear and behaving in his interview segments in a low-key but self-assured manner that conveyed both humility and a strong sense of self. In the early weeks of the Top 24, Cook appeared almost bratty on stage, snapping at the judges, and was informed by judge Simon Cowell that he was entirely without charisma. But he quickly seemed to bring himself under control at once, restraining what flashes of anger he may have felt and projecting a very likable, unaffected personality.
Finally on Mariah Carey night, a month back, Cook broke through. His performance of “Always Be My Baby,” sung with his ailing brother in the audience, was the most dramatic of the season, producing an ovation that lasted through the break as Cook waded into the crowd to visit his sibling. That applause held the season’s record, until tonight, when Cook’s final song produced an ovation so thunderous and unrelenting across the Idoldome, the night almost felt like a coronation.
from the LA times blog Read More....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Word of the Day - May 13.
sa·la·cious [suh-ley-shuhs] –adjective
1. lustful or lecherous.
2. (of writings, pictures, etc.) obscene; grossly indecent.
i truly respect david cook, and i admire his many talents - but that doesn't stop me from having salacious thoughts about him on a regular basis; the man is sexy!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Word Of The Day - May 12
vociferous \voh-SIF-uhr-uhs\, adjective:
Making a loud outcry; clamorous; noisy.
There was a vociferous outpouring of love for David when he traveled home to Missouri on Friday. Read More....
Saturday, May 10, 2008
David 'Stunned' Debra Byrd
great article about Idol vocal coach extraordinaire debra byrd can be found here. check out what she had to say about david:
She may be honest, but when asked about the strengths of this year's contestants, Byrd chose to speak about the group as a whole.
“The common denominator is courage,” Byrd said. “Because it takes a lot to stand on a stage in front of millions of people and be ridiculed. It's very heart-wrenching. They are all unique.”
But when she was asked which contestants have blown her away, Byrd was ready to sing the praises of the people who have made this vocal guru stop and listen.
“David Cook stunned me the first song he did. He stunned me in a great way. Fantasia stunned me. Kelly Clarkson stunned me. Chris Daughtry. Carrie Underwood. LaToya London. Elliott Yamin. They were all willing to take a risk, vocally, musically, with their song choice. They are visionaries.”
that's some pretty lofty company right there. and david's was the first name she mentioned. that's pretty stunning in and of itself. Read More....
Word Of The Day - May 10
regale \rih-GAY(uh)L\, transitive verb:
1. To entertain with something that delights.
2. To entertain sumptuously with fine food and drink.
David Cook regaled the crowds in Blue Springs and Kansas City yesterday with his emotional acoustic performances. Read More....
Friday, May 9, 2008
It's David Cook Day!
the homecoming festivities have begun. we'll try to bring you as many goodies as possible, so keep checking back.
first up - a radio interview that just ended... 95.7 KCHZ
next: 93.1 KMXV (even better radio interview)
aaaand: Set at KC Power & Light (ripped from the web stream, so medium quality, but still.... he's killing me with the adorable today.)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Word Of The Day - May 8
multifarious \muhl-tuh-FAIR-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Having great diversity or variety; of various kinds; diversified.
David had a multifarious extracurricular career in high school, as his former teachers will be happy to tell you about.
congrats to david on making the top three!! don't forget - he'll be headed home to missouri tonight, with a very full slate of appearances tomorrow. be on the lookout for lots of videos and pictures as blue springs and kansas city welcome him home. (so exciting!!) Read More....
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Word Of The Day - May 6
sanctimonious - sangk-tuh-moh-nee-uhs, adj.
Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious.
Brother Love's traveling tent is roomy but gives no quarter to sanctimonious people.
happy tuesday, everyone!! please vote like your life depends on it tonight!! ♥ ♥ Read More....
Monday, May 5, 2008
EW Power Ranking & Poll.
david is #1 on the EW power ranking for this week, as usual. :) go vote for your favorite singer on their poll HERE.
notice the last line - "at this point, only voter complacency can can stop his march to the nokia." so let's make with the voting, right, cook fans?! he HAS to make top 3 so he can get his awesome homecoming trip and go sing at the royals game and have a PARADE. because a david cook parade would obviously be the best parade of all the parades. (seriously, how cute will that be?)
Word of the Day - May 5.
happy cinco de mayo, cook fans! in honor of the holiday, a vaguely appropriate word.
eth·no·cen·trism [eth-noh-sen-triz-uhm] –noun
1. Sociology. the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture.
2. a tendency to view alien groups or cultures from the perspective of one's own.
david cook is not one for ethnocentrism; he's happy to celebrate cinco de mayo with tequila shots and tacos!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
David on Fox5 News in Las Vegas
my local fox station did a feature on the visit by david and the rest of the top 4 to las vegas yesterday. it's cute, so i'm sharing. enjoy.
Newsletters from DCTAI team
it's entirely too much to type out in a headline, but i'm talking about the team at in addition to a fun website (if you haven't read at least some of the 301 Reasons To Vote For David Cook yet, go and do that. you'll laugh so hard you'll forget we still have 48 hours to go 'til tuesday.), they also publish a weekly newsletter.
the newsletters are very tongue-in-cheek and very funny, and also very well put together, as befits a newsletter devoted to a former graphic design major. there's an archive (aaaaarrrrrr-chive? sorry. had to be done.) of past issues on the website. to get your very own copy emailed to you every tuesday, send an email to with "Subscribe" in the subject line.
David Cook HQ Photo Gallery.
public service announcement! this website has tons of high-quality david cook pictures. bookmark it. seriously.
Word Of The Day - May 4
prox·im·i·ty (prŏk-sĭm'ĭ-tē) n. - The state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next; closeness
I was in close proximity to David Cook yesterday, and it was glorious.
(i was at the LOVE red carpet and then the show in vegas. seriously... even better in person. i still haven't recovered.) Read More....




(tons more vegas shots here.)

slkdjlsadlff i don't know where this is even from.
sorry, sometimes even the most theoretically reasonable of bloggers are allowed to fall to girly pieces. Read More....
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Word of the Day - May 3.
brev·i·ty [brev-i-tee] –noun
1. shortness of time or duration; briefness.
2. the quality of expressing much in few words; terseness.
"It's pretty easy to understand the brevity of [the American Idol experience]," David Cook said.
Simon Rooting for David.
Simon Cowell Predicts the 'American Idol' Finale
There is no doubt in SIMON COWELL's mind that this year's "American Idol" finale will be a competition between the two David's -- DAVID ARCHULETA and DAVID COOK -- he indicated at a press conference to promote this summer's "America's Got Talent," on which he is the creator/executive producer.
"You're going to have a real scrap," he predicts. "The winner will really depend on what song they sing on the night."
That said, he also admits that "American Idol" is also a popularity contest and that, "David Cook has got the better voice and David Archuleta has got the teen and grandma appeal."
let's kick those teens and grandma's asses, right, y'all? don't forget to vote your faces off tuesday night!
here's a little incentive. :)

Friday, May 2, 2008
New (Old) David Cook Song!
i'd never heard it until today, at any rate, and i totally stalk him pay attention to these things.
Word Of The Day - May 2
permeate \PUR-mee-ayt\, transitive verb:
1. To spread or diffuse through.
2. To pass through the pores or openings of.
David Cook's generous spirit permeates everything he does. Read More....
Idol Extra clip from last night in which our own Brother Love turns into a pirate temporarily. i can't possibly do it justice in words... just watch.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tonight's Results. (Spoilery!)
so, congratulations to david on making the top 4! going all the way, bb. going all the way. ♥
next week's theme: the rock and roll hall of fame's "500 songs that shaped rock and roll."
EW On the Scene Report.
hi kids! in case anyone missed it, dcook rocked the house last night as usual, with an electric-guitar AND an acoustic guitar, rockstar boots, my favorite hair ever, and, of course, that voice of his. don't forget to watch tonight and find out if he's safe!
in actual news, here's a link to PopWatch's on-the-scene report of last night. my favorite part?
ok, and this is cute, too.
Afterward, Syesha worked the crowd as the other Idols shuffled offstage, but not before Cook asked Debbie to page his mom: "Mom? Where's David Cook's mom?" Mama Cook waved to her son, he waved back — see! mensch!
They execute the Cook-interviews-Seacrest gambit, give each other a "I guess that went well?" shrug, and soon enough Paula's up and dancing as Cook sings about being alive. And when I said Cook was a mensch, I meant it; he stuck around after he was done specifically so he could give Brooke a good luck high five.Read More....
Word Of The Day - April 30
pontificate (v., pon-tif-i-keyt)
1. administer a pontifical office
2. talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner
Simon tends to pontificate when it's his turn to speak, but David Cook is usually spared the worst of it (because he's awesome).
If there had been more time last night, it's likely Randy would have pontificated about David Cook's snazzy new jacket. Read More....
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Mtv Hearts DCook.
Long before David Cook was an "American Idol" front-runner, a spiky-haired heartthrob or even a bartender in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he was just another kid from Blue Springs, Missouri, obsessed with baseball, chasing girls and playing rock and roll.
At least that's how Bobby Kerr remembers him. He and Cook first met as teammates on the Blue Springs Bombers when they were 12 years old, and over the next decade, they became best friends and bandmates, bonding over a shared dream of rock superstardom and all the trappings that went along with it.
"David and I went to middle school together, and neither of us were really musicians at the time, but we played baseball together," Kerr told MTV News from his home in Blue Springs. "We were both pitchers, but pretty much right then and there, we both realized that we could sing a bit. And that was the ticket to the ladies, so we started hanging and playing music. In high school, we figured out we were gonna be good musicians — we didn't play a lot of covers, maybe a little bit of, like, the Presidents of the United States of America or whatever — we were writing our own stuff. I mean, it was pretty embarrassing stuff, like, when you're 15 or 16 everything sucks, so the songs were about that, or about girls we went to school with or the pain our parents caused us. You know, stupid sh-- like that. But it was where we started."
read the full article here. Read More....
Voting Number for Tonight!
or text "vote" to 5702.
do it! never assume he's safe, y'all.
i'm headed to work, where i discovered yesterday that The Man has blocked me from accessing blogspot. fail. and i'm on pacific time, so by the time i get home the show is usually over in the eastern/central time zones. so! i just wanted to say before i leave - please VOTE like crazy for david tonight. i think we're going to have a fierce battle from now until the end, and we can't afford to get complacent. so please vote! ♥
Read More....Word of the Day!
happy dcook tuesday, readers! don't forget to vote tonight! at this late stage of the game, david needs your support more than ever.
the word for today is a favorite of mine (which is not at all coincidental, since i picked it!).
ob·se·qui·ous [uhb-see-kwee-uhs], adjective
1. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning: an obsequious bow.
2. servilely compliant or deferential: obsequious servants.
3. obedient; dutiful.
"David Cook is always polite and agreeable toward the judges - fortunately, he's a total rockstar stud, so he never comes across as obsequious, just well-mannered."
Read More....
EW Ranks The Top 5
the weekly EW Power Rankings are up. no surprise to see our guy once again dominating. the weekly who's-your-fave poll is up as well. go forth and vote.
the TV Guide Rankings are also up, but TV Guide isn't nearly as cool as Entertainment Weekly, so EW gets the headline. the results are the same, though - dcook FTW!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Word Of The Day - April 28
contrary to what simon cowell thinks, we know many, many people who find david's confessed "word nerd" tendencies to be an attractive quality. as such, we've decided to carry the nerd banner alongside mr. cook by posting a Word Of The Day in his honor. we will define a word each day, as well as using the word in a david-related sentence. feel free to jump in and offer your suggestions!
confluence \KON-floo-uhn(t)s\, noun:
1. A flowing or coming together; junction.
2. The place where two rivers, streams, etc. meet.
3. A flocking or assemblage of a multitude in one place; a large collection or assemblage.
David Cook's rise to frontrunner status on American Idol has been the result of a confluence of many factors, such as his tremendous voice, original arrangements and spot-on strategy.
(one of my personal fave words, btw.) Read More....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A New (Old) David Song!
good news, dcook fans! an enterprising livejournaler found some lovely old photos of david, as well as something even radder - a previously unheard (at least, to this DC devotee) song!
the song plays over this website designed by david for a multimedia applications class he took at CMSU. as the title of the site is a second chance at a first impression (which was a working title for analog heart), i'm guessing (possibly incorrectly!) that this song was one originally recorded for his album that didn't make the final cut.

because i'm nice and this song isn't available commercially, i've provided an mp3: david cook - dear heaven
enjoy! Read More....
"Analog Heart" Reappears on Amazon.
so, people in the know might have caught on to the drama over david's self-released 2006 album, analog heart, reaching #1 on the mp3 download charts last week. it appeared above hot new releases like mariah carey's E=MC2, much to everyone's surprise. (including, i'm sure, mariah carey. hee.)
mr. cook got himself a good bit of media attention in the process of selling all those downloads, and shortly after the story broke, analog heart was pulled from amazon, presumably by american idol execs.
the good news is - it's back! well, sort of. the album can't be purchased yet, but there's a link to sign up for email notification when it does go back up for sale. in an interesting twist, analog heart is also linked from a page on amazon promoting future albums from the entire top 10. david's is the only one with a title, despite the fact that brooke white, carly smithson and kristy lee cook all have existing music for sale on amazon.
what does that mean? well, who knows? the folks at 19e (the massive company behind american idol) aren't generally known for their altruism, so one could certainly assume some kind of deal's been made to ensure that they will be getting a slice of david's future earnings.
or it could be absolutely nothing, and amazon has just taken it upon themselves to re-organize.
whatever the case, i highly recommend signing up for the aforementioned email alert. as someone who was lucky enough to purchase analog heart while it was still available, i have nothing but sympathy for fans who search for david on amazon only to get an "item not currently available" message.
here, check out "fall back into me" - it's one of my favorites.
Idol on "The Soup."
the soup has a funny segment right at the beginning of this clip, about andrew lloyd webber and david's hilariously awkward mentoring session.
Absolute Best Of Tulsa 2007
I've never seen this before, so I don't know if it's been circulated elsewhere... ?
David won Best Local, Indie Produced Album (for Analog Heart) in the Absolute Best of Tulsa awards handed out back in July 2007 by Urban Tulsa Weekly. He also was a runner-up for Best Male Vocalist. They sound pretty psychic now, don't they?
This kid can sing. He may be young, but Cook knows his music. And he's breaking away from Midwest Kings to prove he can hang solo -- and that he has a better voice than Ben Kilgore. With soul in each song and lyrics to boot, we may have a new heartthrob on our hands.

If you'd like to download the whole magazine page that features David, I've uploaded it here. If you want the full magazine PDF, head over to their website.
There's also an article on the Urban Tulsa site from February 2008 where they talk about David being headed back out to California, and having had a camera crew following him around. And they congratulate themselves on their prescience, of course. Read More....
Tour Promo Begins!
the first promotional tour photo has been released. david's looking fly, as usual.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
David Cook & His Mom.
us magazine asked the idols who their biggest supporter is. david's is his mom. aw.
(click for full-size)
Tears Of An Idol.
david is featured in the 4/28 issue of tv guide.
(click for full-size)
the magazine also includes a photo and quick blurb about david's friendship with 8th-place finisher michael johns. here's the photo; pretty cute.
Friday, April 25, 2008
David Attends BritWeek Kick-Off
April 24 - David and the other 4 remaining Idol contestants attended a champagne reception at the British Consul General’s Residence to mark the beginning of "BritWeek" in L.A. It's a week of events celebrating the British-American relationship, apparently, and it was Nigel Lythgoe's "brainchild", which is how the Idols got dragged into it invited.
More importantly, it gave us these pictures. *fans self* Good lord.
Monday, March 24, 2008
for starters.
how about a little dose of "awwww" to start things off? come on, we all like our rockers sensitive. don't lie.
david! come here, darling. i'll hold you.
david cook, people. DAVID COOK.
welcome! for the record, i am in no way whatsoever affiliated with david cook, american idol, fox, 19 entertainment, or anything else remotely official. i'm a fan with too much time on my hands and some fast googling fingers.
i started this blog to have a place to post fangirl squee, pictures, articles, etc. featuring american idol contestant david cook. the man, the rocker, the word nerd.
stay tuned.
(blog title inspired by the fact that it's an election year, obviously, and i am not clever. dcook, let me be your superdelegate! ♥_♥)