Tuesday, August 19, 2008

second tour swing

so obviously, i failed spectacularly at updating this blog with my pictures and videos in anything close to real time. my bad. i do, however, still want to post all the links here for posterity like i did with the first batch. i'm headed out again to see brother love next week, but i'm not even going to pretend this time that i'll be posting. LOL. i'll catch up when i get back.

so, after the jump, photos and videos from pittsburgh, newark and atlantic city.

regarding the downloadable videos: i'm sharing these because i hate what youtube does to the quality of the original video, and i know how i always want to have the downloadable version of everything. i have just two requests in return for sharing: 1) please don't post these links elsewhere. if you want to share, please link people to this post. 2) please don't upload them to youtube or in any other way pass them off as your own. a lot of time goes into these, not to mention having to stand quietly and very still during the concert while filming, LOL. all i'm asking is that i get credit for my work.

without further ado, here is the full list of goodies.

Pittsburgh, July 29, 2008

Newark, July 30, 2008

Newark, July 31, 2008

Atlantic City, August 2, 2008

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